Its so complete.
But yet so empty.
Just like a movie which seems so perfect on screen.
Hiding the thousands of hard working beings behind the scene.
Just like the lovely picture of communal harmony
Our politicians and books paint for us, cremating the realities behind
Just like the thousands of people who blindly pledge their lives
To get betrayed in the name of religion
There seems to be so much happiness
But yet so much discontent inside.
Just like the smiles on those children’s faces
Who have buried their childhood behind.
Just like the sorrow hidden in the hearts of those people
Whose loves ones have drowned in to a volcano of religious clash
Just like the beautiful picture, we paint of the valley for us
Where thousands lead a life of survival in the atrocities of time
That brings me to a question.
What is the attraction of this thing called Life,
That we all want to survive even to fight against the hardships of time .
Whats wrong with u D ? dont be so dukhi
You write this and you also like Mr. Modi .. somethings wrong na..
Many crimes have been committed in the name of religion, more under the name of politics - but dig deep it is rooted in the basic need for self preservation or survival.
As for life and its struggles, joys and sorrows - that is very heavy stuff...
Sattu, i never liked Mr Modi,i dont know why u have this impression.
Anonymous please leave your name next time. The reason for self preservation has come because of minds being influenced by colured thinking on the basis of religion or politics. If peoples point of view is not coloured by politicians or religious leaders to became fanatics the crime wouldnt arise at all.
Hi DD,
WOW...Fantastic...I guess itss just so different that we all are running towards our goals and dreams...even though we all know that 'Every Good Thing Must come to an End'..but still without goals and dreams the life would be quite boring. I guess atleast it gets me going!
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