Monday, October 02, 2006

Navratri Ki Yaddein

It’s the long weekend and all the catching up on sleep during the day has made me like an Owl in the night, thus am compelled to do nothing but flip TV channels. As usual there is nothing interesting on televison but I happen to stop by on a channel playing a rerun of that nights Falguni Pathaks Dandiya ras. Although the Navratri this year has not managed to generate any interest in me, but as I listen to “Jode re Jodar”, & ‘Rangalo’ two of my favourite garba songs, I cant help but recollect all those wonderful memories of Navratri

Cousins coming to stayover,Going to Juhu beach, Juice center at Khar for a after Navratri snack, dressing up in the special Chania Cholis that Dadi would stich for me, almost winning the best dressed kid every year, listening to Papa sing at the Navratri gatherings, Participating in Papa`s relentless efforts of teaching me the steps year on year, Standing at my building balcony to watch all the action especially on days I couldn’t go, as I would have an exam the next morning, Sometimes visiting different Navratri venues. It was a different world altogehther

Last year I happened to visit the most popular Dandiya – Sankalp.

Flashback Dandiya 05
The true Dandiya queen- Falguni Pathak`s voice definately has the power to get one`s foot tapping. As i stood, there reflecting at the thousands of people, present in that ground, some watching just enjoying the music, some trying their first hand on the garba and some simply dancing to kill .I wondered what is it about,this festival that drives people from all communities to come and enjoy the thrills of Navratri ? Is it all about advertising and the hype? Is it about particpating in ones festival ? A youngsters excuse to go to a parents authorised disc or is it simply the festive spirit. I still remember, as a kid i always looked forward to Navratri, which happend in our buildings. There were no loudspeakers, but a simple dholwala and people would sing. I was never to good at the dandiya or garba, so i dont know whether it was the drive to learn it or was my fathers singing at these Navratris that drived me to not miss even a single day of the Navratri in the building. As time passed by the small celebrations in our buildings came to an end and it went on to the big disco dandiyas that happened, thus me taking a seat in front of my television screen and flipping channels to watch the diffrent dandiya`s. But what i really love about Navratri, is that it brings out the folk culture of Gujrat, Infact some day i would like to go and watch Navratri in Ahmedabad or Baroda. i have heard, the celebrations there have still kept the traditional elements intact

The Garba Rass for the year is over, but if you still want to give your hands a shot with Garba and Dandiya- Sharadpunam should be a day to watch out


Unknown said...

u know what i miss even more..the plain excitement of dressing up..i looked forward to that so much u know....

Anonymous said...

Never been for Falguni's Dandiya Nights, though she comes here(Dubai) every year. Even this year I cudnt. I guess, I really missed it.


sushilsingh said...

Hi, Friend

Navratri, the festival of nights, lasts for 9 days with three days each devoted to

worship of Ma Durga, the Goddess of Valor, Ma Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth and

Ma Saraswati

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!