Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sacred Games by Vikram Chandra

It all began one Saturday afternoon, when I sat starring outside my window, looking aimlessly at the green patch in front of my house and sulking about something. The phone rang.It was Nitin aka Godfather. He had called to tell me, that he has managed to get hold of a signed copy of Vikram Chandra`s much talked about book Sacred Games.I don’t know whether I was ignorant or indifferent,but I hadn’t really heard about the book or what it was actually about. But when I was told that its related to Mumbai and crime scene, for some strange I developed an instant urge to read that book, inspite of being warned of it being a 900 page hardcover(7kg in weight).

Sacred Games - A must read

This book is a crime thriller, not a dhishom -dhishom kind of thriller but more of a detective book. The main plot of the story is investigating the self-murder of a big crime lord of Mumbai aka Ganesh Gaitonde by Sartaj Singh an senior sub inspector. But amidst this main story are weaved even more interesting tales. It’s the story of the thousands of youngsters who float into city to make their Bollywood dreams, the story of their survival, the human side of gangsters and their team mates, their triumphs, their failures, betrayals, the story of partition affected families, a story of the Bangladeshi immigrants in Mumbai, to the story of infidelity in marriage. It’s a story of faith, belief and betrayal.

I love the way Chandra has weaved the characters in the story, with every character having an interesting tale to share and it is very real.

The novel is so gripping& entertaining, that you will not want to keep it aside until you finish reading it,no wonder over the last 3 weeks, even the crowded train compartments, full of chatty and loud women,or the tiresome bus journeys or the jerky Rickshaw ride has deterred me from closing my book (not to be forget the instances where I have been mocked by friends and collegeous for carrying such a huge book around)

That’s what I love about books; good books have the ability to help you dissolve your worries and troubles, getting you involved in the lives of its characters. Books are your best friends, and great company, never to betray you.

Very well written & gripping.An excellent book. I have enjoyed every minute of reading this brilliant book.Great job Vikram!


Anonymous said...

alright alright i will read the book... if nothing else it will serve as a good dumb bell. and if vikram chandra is as smart as he seems, he will hire you to be his promoter. but what is this talk about troubles, betrayal and being tired ? dig deep girl.. i am sure one of your teachers has a lesson there for you.. one that does not involve escapism.. thanks for the article.

Unknown said...

I am wondering who has posted this comment?
Well i havent said anything about being tired.Forgetting your worries for a little while with Reading is not escapism its just helps you to cool down & come back and look at life with a diffrent perspective. Escapism doesnt exist in my dictionary. I am a Realist & believe in facing reality

Roshan said...

nice review dhruti and you could try being the first person to review this book on amazon. And again.. sorry for being one of the friends commenting on the size of the book ;-)

Anonymous said...

aah who was it that left that comment ? you know...our old friend... annonymous... i thought you said you liked solving mysteries... And you are right, you did not mention tired...perhaps that was reflection or projection on my part. And I am very glad to hear that escapism does not exist in your dictionary.

Unknown said...

Books are a very neccessary part of my life Dhruts..has always been like that..I found this book to be one of Chandra's best....
have u ever read Shoba de's novels DD?