Mumbai can turn dreams into reality
It was a hot summer afternoon and as I sipped some steaming hot chai dunked in glucose biscuit with my friend, I looked at the little boy- the helper at the tea stall as I always did, when I visited the tea stall. My eyes wandered to get a glimpse of the little boy as he hurried from one end to other distributing chai, collecting the chai cups, washing them.
Every time I saw that little kid, my heart cried to the fact that this little boy had to work so hard in the burning son. To which my friend remarked “You don’t have to be sorry for them, rather never be sorry, this is Mumbai, anyone who comes to the city and has the determination and dedication to make it big, will make it big. Today you see this kid distributing chai; ten years down the line he may own a restaurant. Mumbai is a land full of opportunities, you just have to find yours, look at me when I was in college to pay my debts I too have washed dishes, but today it’s different. Indians are survivors; we can go through shit but still come out of it so well”
I paused for a minute to think about what he has just said, one part of me did not want to agree to the fact, how could I not feel sorry for a little kid wandering in the sun, serving people, but as I looked at him again, I realized how right he was. Years ago he too had worked hard, working with a caterer, traveling to remotest parts of the country in the heat and sun repairing sugarfactory machines, working for employees who didn’t pay, running from landlords, and finally he had fought all odds and arrived in life with a great job, a good stock market game and a house he owned. It all seemed like a movie, but it wasn’t, it was so real, a real life hero stood in front of him.
His remark made me look at the little boy with a different perspective, who knows some day this little boy may became a proud owner of a Udupi restaurant or own a catering unit and make his parents proud. I guess some people are born with a fortune and some with the qualities to make their fortune.
But there were thousands of such children across the city, the country and even the world, to how many would fortune shine? How many would destiny change.