Sunday, March 12, 2006

A date with Sunset

What’s so special about a Sunset? What is it that drives hoards of people across the world to go and view a Sunset? Is it the magic of nature or is it the calm vibes that the setting sun passes off that we all aspire to receive? Whatever the reason maybe this Sunday I decided to watch the sun bid adieu to the weekend, amidst the scenic surroundings of Bombay’s skyline.
As I walked through the bay from Churchgate station, I saw a variety of people sitting on the wall facing the sea leading upto Nariman Point. Old people, children from all age groups (literally saw a 6 month old kid too), young couples, college students, foreigners, local tourists and from all strata’s of society. Seems like the sea and the sun had the power to bring all kinds of people together. As I looked at those many faces, I wondered what it that brings so many people here is.

I reached the dead end of Nariman Point and parked my self on the palli to get the perfect view of the sun. It seemed so beautiful, the orange twilight in the sky, the birds flying, the calm waves of the sea, it all seemed like a freshly painted canvas, but it wasn’t a painting it was a real creation, a real creation of mother nature. As the sun dipped into the horizon, all the eyes fluttered towards the sun, it seemed like mother nature has come to showcase its magic tricks and within a couple of minutes the magic show was over and the sun was gone leaving the orange reflection which looked so beautiful.

Another thing that captured my attention were the little rockstars of Mumbai, the 10 and 11 year old street smart kids displaying their entrepreneur skills selling everything from channa to chai, I felt so proud of those little boys who knew to make their living by whatever means.
A couple of minutes later, someone blurted, look the sun has gone here and behind the moon has come out. Seems like the next show from Mother Nature had just began. As we walked back, I think I got my answer, its the magic of mother nature that brings us all here.


Surath Chatterji said...

What I feel gr8 abt sunsets is the photography ya can possibly it a hill station or a beach or just ur terrace.
Dad gave me his SLR cam once and I tried takin' snaps at various stages durin' the sunset.Later when ya see the photographs ya can actually make out the change in intesity of the color of the sky which one can cant make out while watching the sunset with naked eye!!!
Try it out with a good cam if ya still haven't
Saw ur new blog on foodguide...
Could ya send me a review of "Howrah Bridge" restaurant??

Surath Chatterji said...

am_I_fine said...

Everything is just B E A utiful except the "young entrepreneurs". Not to be sarcastic, either you are a poet or just ignorant about these children, who make you proud, should be making us ashamed about what is being done to them.

Unfortunately most of people including me, cannot afford to do anything about this because we are already entangled with our lives.

Still I thought I might endow you with this thought of mine.

Bobby said...

o u betcha...leos rocks...